Best Mortgage Options for First Time Home Buyers

Are you ready to take the plunge and become a homeowner for the first time? Congratulations! Homeownership is a milestone that brings with it many rewards, both financial and personal. But before you can enjoy these benefits, there’s one more important step—finding the right mortgage loan. And with so many different mortgage options available, it can often be difficult to know which one is best for you. Navigating the world of mortgages can be daunting for even experienced buyers, let alone first-time homebuyers without much background knowledge in this area.

If you’re interested in learning which mortgage options are best suited for your needs as a first-time buyer whether you’re looking for a low-interest rate or just need some extra guidance through the process, keep reading to get an overview of some popular choices so that you can make an informed decision about financing your dream home.

VA Loans

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VA loans are a great first-time homebuyer option, as they’re backed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and offer favorable rates to those who qualify. Applicants must have served or be currently serving in the military, and there are some specific income requirements that need to be met as well. The advantages of VA loans include the following:

  • No down payment requirement
  • Lower-than-average interest rates
  • Less strict credit score qualifications compared to other loan products
  • No mortgage insurance premiums (PMI)

On top of all this, the closing costs can also be quite low—the seller may even pay for them entirely! In addition, it’s important to note that different states have varying maximum loan limits for VA loans, so first-time buyers should research their state’s regulations first before applying. But all in all, VA loans are an excellent option for first-time homebuyers who meet the qualifications and can benefit from its favorable terms.

Federal Housing Authority (FHA) Loan

FHA loans are another mortgage product popular with first-time homebuyers due to its lower down payment requirements and more lenient credit score guidelines than other loan types. It’s backed by the Federal Housing Administration — an agency within the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

To qualify for an FHA loan, you need at least 3.5% of the purchase price as a down payment. While this is still more than VA loans, it’s much lower than the traditional 20% minimum that many banks require. There are also no income restrictions on FHA loans, so first-time buyers with lower incomes should consider this option if they meet the credit score requirements.

Also, FHA loans typically have higher interest rates than other loan types and require mortgage insurance premiums (PMI). This PMI can be paid upfront or added to your monthly payments, but either way, it will add to your expenses. In addition, closing costs tend to be higher for FHA loans due to their extra paperwork and regulatory requirements.

US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Loan

USDA loans are a great first-time homebuyer option for those who qualify, as they offer several unique benefits. The U.S. Department of Agriculture backs these loans, which can only be used for homes located in rural or semi-rural areas that meet the USDA’s income and property eligibility requirements.

The primary advantage of USDA loans is that there’s no down payment required—unlike other loan types, first-time buyers don’t need to come up with a hefty sum of money upfront. Plus, the interest rates on USDA loans are often lower than other loan products, making them an affordable choice for first-time buyers.

Additionally, closing costs tend to be lower for USDA loans, and you may even be able to roll the closing costs into your loan amount. However, keep in mind that there’s an upfront mortgage insurance premium of 1% of the loan amount as well as annual premiums of 0.35% to 0.5%, so these additional fees do add up over time.

Fannie & Freddie Mac

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) that are designed to make it easier for first-time buyers to finance their first home. Both offer a variety of mortgage products with different requirements, so first-time buyers should do their research before applying.

Fannie Mae’s HomeReady Program is specifically tailored towards first-time homebuyers and requires a down payment of just 3%, making it more affordable than many other loan options. These programs offer:

  • Lower interest rates,
  • Flexible credit terms,
  • Down payment assistance for those with limited funds available for a down payment.

Additionally, these GSEs also offer specialty mortgage programs such as the homestyle renovation loan that allows borrowers to finance the cost of repairs and renovations into their loans. Freddie Mac also offers its home possible loan program, which is similar to Fannie Mae’s HomeReady program but has a few differences. For example, first-time buyers can get approved with just 1% down, and the maximum loan amount is slightly higher than Fannie Mae’s HomeReady Program.

Let Intercoastal Mortgage Help You Find a Lender Near You!

As a first-time home buyer, you have many options when it comes to securing financing for your purchase. Purchasing a home is likely the largest financial investment you will make in your lifetime. The best mortgage option for you will depend on your unique financial situation and goals. However, there are many things to consider when it comes to financing your new home, such as saving for a down payment, verifying employment and income, and understanding credit scores.

In addition, the type of mortgage you choose can also impact how much money you’ll save over the life of the loan, so it’s essential to carefully consider all of your options before making a decision. If you’re a first-time home buyer who is looking for the best mortgage option, contact us at Intercoastal Mortgage today, as we’re here to help. Our team of experts will help you navigate through the different types of loans available so that you can find one that fits your unique situation and long-term financial goals. We can also help to find a lender near you!

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INTERCOASTAL MORTGAGE testimonial John Cooper

John Cooper

Working with Intercoastal Mortgage was so amazing! I couldn’t imagine working with another company other than ICM. They put in a lot of work to help us and were always super knowledgeable. I can’t recommend Intercoastal Mortgage enough. Overall, I am Super pleased with my experience!

INTERCOASTAL MORTGAGE testimonial Tara Clarke

Tara Clarke

Working with Intercoastal mortgage has been a great experience! They have been attentive to my needs, responsive to my requirements and time constraints, and are knowledgeable of the standard processes as well as nuances involved in securing a mortgage to meet my needs. I will gladly work with them in the future and recommend them as a top-tier loan servicer.


Barbara K.

I needed a loan to go through the whole process & be ready to close in 3 weeks! Eric explained the entire process. He told me they would do everything they could, but I had a role to play as part of that team. This meant I had to keep up my part. Eric kept me in the loop & we closed in 3 weeks! Amazing group of people to work with!


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